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Opening address by Robert B. Carney

 Digital Record
Identifier: RG16_02_07_09


  • Creation: 1947 Jul 12



This speech marks the inauguration of a new Logistics Course at NWC.

Carney highlights the importance of logistics in military operations, placing it on equal footing with strategy and tactics. He argues that effective logistics are crucial for sustained military success.

He reflects on how WWII underscored the need for comprehensive logistics planning. Carney discusses how officers were required to manage diverse and complex operations, revealing the inadequacies of previous training focused solely on tactical proficiency.

Carney stresses the necessity of integrating logistics instruction at all levels of military education and ensuring joint training across different services. He emphasizes the need for continuous logistical training to maintain military readiness and effectiveness.

The speech addresses the broader implications of logistics on national security, advocating for the establishment of a coordinated national effort, including a potential National Security Resources Board and a National Security Council.

Carney warns against complacency and urges realistic and adaptive thinking to address current and future global threats. He emphasizes the need to prepare for prolonged conflicts and to innovate logistics strategies.

The speech underscores the role of the Naval War College in developing and disseminating advanced logistical knowledge. Carney calls on the participants to contribute significantly to this educational effort.

The speech concludes with Carney expressing confidence in the success of the new Logistics Course and the importance of its development.

[This summary was generated using AI. It is recommended to consult the original document for complete information and context.]


1.7 Megabytes ; 10 pages

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